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Age 33, Male

Newark, New Jersey

Joined on 3/26/06

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This is a very happy day for me, just finally opened my promotion company, it may not be as glamorous or as big major one's but its going very well, just got a show for one of the groups i promote, The KNomadz in Philadelphia, and The KNomadz are opening for a huge underground hip hop artist, Reef Tha Lost Cause.

What we do is not the standard putting up posters you see people do, we do that and, book shows, promote, and all the things we can do to get exposure, its working really well the artist's im promoting are getting well known in New Jersey and Philadelphia and we just had a show in Connecticut and more recently a show in Oakland.

So i would say we are doing very well we already are promoting a couple of artist that have the potential to become huge in underground hip hop, i posted songs on NG because i never was really into promoting songs or artist on the internet but it gets out there

I like listening to hip hop and if any NG hip hop artist or any artist wants to send me a song to listen to i always have a open ear

This Banner is a sample of what we can do with posters there are 3 people (including me) that own the company and we have nicknames

Switchblade, Pete Puma And Kinetic and the company is called Universal Suicide

My Promotion Company